Unity’s Cinemachine: Adding a Handheld Feel to the Camera Using Noise
Jun 7, 2022
Hello all!
Today, I will be going over how to add a handheld feel using noise!
Adding Noise to your Camera
Noise in this sense is adding shaking to the camera at certain frequencies. So, let’s add it to your camera:
- Select your virtual camera
- Find noise in the inspector.
- Click where it says none, then select Basic Multi Channel Perlin.
- This will give you some options under profile. Look at all of them as they all have different applications.
- When you find the one that fits your situation, adjust your offset, amplitude, and frequency to find what you need!
That was how to add noise to a camera! No more boring, still cameras for me!
Next, I will be going into the virtual camera’s extensions!
Thank you for your time!